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[MySQL] 파티셔닝(Partitioning) 적용 (3) 성능 테스트

category DB/MySQL 2024. 1. 23. 11:03

안녕하세요 안젤라입니다 😇

오늘은 파티셔닝 성능 테스트에 대해서 포스팅을 준비했습니다.

테스트 시나리오

  • 환경
    • macOS 13.1 22C65, Apple M1 Pro
    • 32GB Memory
    • Mysql 5.7.39
  • 테스트 데이터 갯수
    • 50만개, 100만, 200만, 400만, 450만, 500만
    • 같은 파티션 내의 데이터 조회 (=같은 날짜)

테스트 1 : 한개의 파티션에 50-400만건 데이터 넣고 속도 측정

  • 50만건
    Duration Query
    0.33381200 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-02 23:59:59'
    0.36677500 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%'
  • 100만건 
    Duration Query
    0.76859900 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-02 23:59:59'
    0.68901500 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%'
  • 200만건
    Duration Query
    1.41036700 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-02 23:59:59'
    1.38261900 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%'
  • 400만건
    Duration Query
    2.51236800 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-02 23:59:59'
    2.75301500 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/category/K1%'

테스트 2 : 파티셔닝 한 테이블 / 파티셔닝 하지 않은 테이블에 총 200만건의 데이터를 넣고 같은 index를 넣고 같은 쿼리 속도 측정

Table Size (MB)  비고
tb_api_log 571.16 파티셔닝 된 테이블
tb_api_log_nopart 533.03 파티셔닝 안된 테이블
  • 데이터 200만건 (한달 약 16만건)
    • tb_api_log partition 추정치 및 인덱스
      tb_api_log p202301 1 738917 169249 139
      tb_api_log p202302 2 738945 151427 142
      tb_api_log p202303 3 738976 169954 139
      tb_api_log p202304 4 739006 166320 142
      tb_api_log p202305 5 739037 166301 142
      tb_api_log p202306 6 739067 167208 135
      tb_api_log p202307 7 739098 169406 139
      tb_api_log p202308 8 739129 170875 138
      tb_api_log p202309 9 739159 161055 140
      tb_api_log p202310 10 739190 171997 137
      tb_api_log p202311 11 739220 161229 140
      tb_api_log p202312 12 739251 169312 139
      tb_api_log pmax 13 MAXVALUE 0 0
      -- auto-generated definition
      CREATE TABLE tb_api_log
          id           bigint UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'API 로그 ID',
          type         varchar(3)                         NOT NULL COMMENT 'API 타입 (S: 송신, R: 수신, E: 에러)',
          target       varchar(10)                        NOT NULL COMMENT '요청 타겟 (core, api)',
          method       varchar(10)                        NOT NULL COMMENT '요청자 메소드',
          url          varchar(255)                       NOT NULL COMMENT '요청자 주소',
          ip           varchar(50)                        NOT NULL COMMENT '요청자 IP',
          content      json                               NULL COMMENT '요청 또는 처리에 대한 내용 (JSON 형식)',
          created_date datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL COMMENT 'API 로그 등록 시간',
          PRIMARY KEY (id, created_date)
          COMMENT 'API 통신로그' CHARSET = utf8mb4 PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(created_date));
      CREATE INDEX idx_ip
          ON tb_api_log (ip);
      CREATE INDEX idx_method
          ON tb_api_log (method);
      CREATE INDEX idx_target
          ON tb_api_log (target);
      CREATE INDEX idx_type
          ON tb_api_log (type);
      CREATE INDEX idx_url
          ON tb_api_log (url);
    • tb_api_log_nopart 인덱스
    • -- auto-generated definition CREATE TABLE tb_api_log_nopart ( id bigint UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type varchar(3) NULL, target varchar(10) NULL, method varchar(10) NULL, url varchar(255) NULL, ip varchar(50) NULL, content json NULL, created_date datetime NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_created_date ON tb_api_log_nopart (created_date); CREATE INDEX idx_url ON tb_api_log_nopart (url);

    Table Duration Query
    tb_api_log 0.16619200 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log 0.15283100 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log_nopart 0.46422600 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log_nopart 0.41117000 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
  • 데이터 총 800만건 (한달 약 60만건)
    • tb_api_log partition 추정치 및 인덱스
      tb_api_log p202301 1 738917 671041 138
      tb_api_log p202302 2 738945 606732 137
      tb_api_log p202303 3 738976 670269 138
      tb_api_log p202304 4 739006 660764 139
      tb_api_log p202305 5 739037 670945 136
      tb_api_log p202306 6 739067 654073 138
      tb_api_log p202307 7 739098 657783 139
      tb_api_log p202308 8 739129 673198 139
      tb_api_log p202309 9 739159 651297 136
      tb_api_log p202310 10 739190 680745 138
      tb_api_log p202311 11 739220 646668 137
      tb_api_log p202312 12 739251 679686 138
      tb_api_log pmax 13 MAXVALUE 0 0
      -- auto-generated definition
      CREATE TABLE tb_api_log
          id           bigint UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'API 로그 ID',
          type         varchar(3)                         NOT NULL COMMENT 'API 타입 (S: 송신, R: 수신, E: 에러)',
          target       varchar(10)                        NOT NULL COMMENT '요청 타겟 (core, api)',
          method       varchar(10)                        NOT NULL COMMENT '요청자 메소드',
          url          varchar(255)                       NOT NULL COMMENT '요청자 주소',
          ip           varchar(50)                        NOT NULL COMMENT '요청자 IP',
          content      json                               NULL COMMENT '요청 또는 처리에 대한 내용 (JSON 형식)',
          created_date datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL COMMENT 'API 로그 등록 시간',
          PRIMARY KEY (id, created_date)
          COMMENT 'API 통신로그' CHARSET = utf8mb4 PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(created_date));
      CREATE INDEX idx_ip
          ON tb_api_log (ip);
      CREATE INDEX idx_method
          ON tb_api_log (method);
      CREATE INDEX idx_target
          ON tb_api_log (target);
      CREATE INDEX idx_type
          ON tb_api_log (type);
      CREATE INDEX idx_url
          ON tb_api_log (url);
    • tb_api_log_nopart 인덱스
    • -- auto-generated definition CREATE TABLE tb_api_log_nopart ( id bigint UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type varchar(3) NULL, target varchar(10) NULL, method varchar(10) NULL, url varchar(255) NULL, ip varchar(50) NULL, content json NULL, created_date datetime NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_created_date ON tb_api_log_nopart (created_date); CREATE INDEX idx_url ON tb_api_log_nopart (url);

    Query_ID Duration Query
    tb_api_log 0.61454400 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log_nopart 4.83330800 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log 0.63064100 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log_nopart 4.85918700 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-03-01 00:00:00' and '2023-03-30 23:59:59'
    • 3월1일 - 4월30일 (2달치) / 1월1일 - 12월31일 (1년치) 데이터 조회

    Query_ID Duration Query
    tb_api_log_nopart 5.39927600 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and '2023-04-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log 2.21097300 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and '2023-04-30 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log_nopart 6.11229100 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and '2023-12-31 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log 7.08853300 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and '2023-12-31 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log 6.53073700 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and '2023-12-31 23:59:59'
    tb_api_log_nopart 6.21193000 select id, type, target, method, url, ip, content, created_date from tb_api_log_nopart where url like '%/home/product/simple/N171401NN02%' and created_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and '2023-12-31 23:59:59'


오늘도 조금 더 성장하는 하루가 되었길 바랄게요 🙏